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02:52 Ngày 29/03/2025
Tạp chí - Hội thảo Nghiên cứu Khoa học
Steady-state and Time-history Analyses for a Spatial Cable-driven Parallel Robot
Tác giả
: TS Trần Minh Quang
Nhà xuất bản
: International Journal of iRobotics
Năm xuất bản
: 2021
Tóm tắt
Steady-state and Time-history Analyses for a Spatial Cable-driven Parallel Robot
Tạp chí - Hội thảo Nghiên cứu Khoa học khác
Factors affecting the ability of local people to participate in communitybased tourism in the Non Nuoc Cao Bang UNESCO Global Geopark Viet Nam
Reliable Deep Learning and IoT-based Monitoring System for Secure Computer Numerical Control Machines Against Cyber-Attacks with Experimental Verification
Effective IoT-based Deep Learning Platform for Online Fault Diagnosis of Power Transformers Against Cyberattack and Data Uncertainties
Effective Fault Diagnosis Based on Wavelet and Convolutional Attention Neural Network for Induction Motors
The effect of friction on the vibro-impact locomotion system: modeling and dynamic response
Ultrasonic assisted nano-fluid MQL in deep drilling of hard-to-cut materials
Defective Product Classification System for Smart Factory Based on Deep Learning
Mahmoud Elsisi, Minh-Quang Tran, Development of IoT architecture based on deep neural network for automated guided vehicles
Analysis of Object Detection Models on Duckietown Robot Based on YOLOv5 Architectures
Identification of Milling Stability by using Signal Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques
Experimental setup for online fault diagnosis of induction machines via promising IoT and machine learning: Towards industry 4.0 empowerment
Robust Model Predictive Control Paradigm for Automatic Voltage Regulators against Uncertainty Based on Optimization Algorithms
Effective feature selection with fuzzy entropy and similarity classifier for chatter vibration diagnosis
Steady-state and Time-history Analyses for a Spatial Cable-driven Parallel Robot
Effective Multi-sensor Data Fusion for Chatter Detection in Milling Process
Towards Secured Online Monitoring for Digitalized GIS Against Cyber-Attacks Based on IoT and Machine Learning
Robust Design of ANFIS Based Blade Pitch Controller for Wind Energy Conversion Systems Against Wind Speed Fluctuations
Deep Learning-Based Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things towards Effective Energy Management for Smart Buildings
Торговая война и задача, стоящая перед бумажной отраслью Вьетнама
A Study on Weeds Retrieval based on Deep Neural Network Classification Model
A study on applying homomorphic filter and Deep Neural Network for apple trees diseases classification
Convolutional Neural Network-based image retrieval with degraded samples
Deep learning-based defective product classification system for smart factory
A Study on Applying the SRCNN Model and Bicubic Interpolation to Enhance Low-Resolution Weeds Images for Weeds Classification
Removing Out-Of-Distribution Samples on Classification Task
Wind Farm Fault Detection by Monitoring Wind Speed in the Wake Region
Multiresponse Optimization of cutting Force and cutting Power in chopping Argiculture Residues Using grey based Taguchi Method
Characteristics of paper industry in Vietnam ai its investment orientations until 2030
Торговая война и задача, стоящая перед бумажной отраслью Вьетнама
A Study on Weeds Retrieval based on Deep Neural Network Classification Model
A study on applying homomorphic filter and Deep Neural Network for apple trees diseases classification
Convolutional Neural Network-based image retrieval with degraded samples
Deep learning-based defective product classification system for smart factory
A Study on Applying the SRCNN Model and Bicubic Interpolation to Enhance Low-Resolution Weeds Images for Weeds Classification
Removing Out-Of-Distribution Samples on Classification Task
Wind Farm Fault Detection by Monitoring Wind Speed in the Wake Region
Multiresponse Optimization of cutting Force and cutting Power in chopping Argiculture Residues Using grey based Taguchi Method
Factors affecting tourist satisfaction with tranditional craft tea villages in Thai Nguyen Province
Анализ состояния и рекомендации по повышению конкурентоспособности бумажной промышленности
Обзор целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности Вьетнама за 2018 г. и рекомендации по повышению производительности
Optimizating Spray Parameters of High Velocity Ooxy Fuel (HVOF) for Cr3C2 – NiCr Coating
Pavement Crack Detection and Segmentation Based on Deep Neural Network
Real-time Moving Object Detection Based on RPCA via GD for FMCW Radar
Machinability enhancements of ultrasonic assisted deep drilling aluminum alloys
Ultrasonic-Assisted Cutting: A Beneficial Appliciation for Temperature, Torque Reduction àn Cutting Ability Improvement and Deep Drilling of Al-6061
Multi – response optimization of machining Parameter in the Ultrasonoc Assisted Deep hole Drilling using grey-based Taguchi method
A new Approach to Modelling the Drilling Torque in Coventional and Ultrasonic Assisted Deep-Hole Drilling Processes
Повышение конкурентоспособности целлюлозно-бумажных предприятий Вьетнама
Multi – response optimization of 67Ni18Cr5Si4B coating by HVOF soảy using Taguchi-OEC technique
Cutting Force Model for Thermal-Assisted Machining of Tool Stell Based on the Taguchi Method.
Adaptive Robust Ability of High Order Sliding Mode Control for a 3-D Overhead Crane System
Analyze weeds classification with visual explanation based on Convolutional Neural Networks
Inception-Residual Block based Neural Network for Thermal Image Denoising
Implementation of Noise Reduction Methods for Rear-View Monitoring Wearable Devices